Rubén Olivares

Rubén Olivares

Software Development Manager

Contact Me

About Me

Software Engineer with over 13 years' experience in software development working in several different types of companies, markets and projects. Now focused on building high-performing development teams and organizations by leading people and managing the system they work on.

Interests: Leadership, Management 3.0, Agile, Lean, CI/CD, Continuous Delivery, Systems Thinking

Latest Projects

Futbot Free

Telegram chat bot providing live and historical football statistics and scores.

View on Telegram

Gigly bot Free

Telegram chat bot to facilitate concert discovery, information about venues and bands.

View on Telegram

Football dashboard Free

Coming soon...

View on GitHub

Work Experience

Software Development Manager - Yuki (2016 - Present)

Started as Senior developer, promoted first to Team Lead responsible for leading a cross-functional development team. Currently leading 10 product development teams (55 FTE) in a rapid-growth stage responsible for growing the team to almost double it.

Senior Software Developer - ERNI (2015 - 2016)

Senior development consultant for the healthcare industry using .NET technologies. Tech Stack: .NET (C#, WPF).

Software Developer / Team Lead - Grupo ICA (2008 - 2015)

Software development consultant in several projects. Tech Stacks:

  • .NET projects (C#, WPF, WCF, ASP.NET)
  • PHP / Joomla
  • Android, iOS, REST APIs
  • Delphi

Junior Software Developer - JPC Informática y Comunicaciones (2007 - 2008)

Development and maintenance of ERP, POS and mobile applications (PDA) for distribution companies. Tech Stack: .NET (C#) and .NET Compact Framework.